Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I Don't Fear the Mornings Now

It used to be that mornings were a painful reminder of my weight. While lying in bed, I used to think about how tightly my clothes would fit me that day. I wondered if I had gained since yesterday (or how much), because gaining weight was just part of my life. I used to joke that "gaining weight was just something that I am good at." I dreaded seeing myself in the mirror and deciding which outfit I would wear to "cover myself up" (that's how I used to think about getting dressed).
How nice it is now not to live in fear of weight gain. Now that I have learned what type of fuel works best for me (see previous posts), I wake up no longer worrying about which pair of jeans will fit. I had even forgotten that I used to be stressed each and every day about that. And, the beautiful thing is, I know that if I stay within the new starch-based, low-oil, vegan plan, I can eat when I am hungry and I don't have to worry about tomorrow. My weight doesn't fluctuate more than 0-1.5 pounds from one day to the next.
I do weigh myself in the morning about 3 days a week or so. I record it on my phone using the "My Fitness Pal" app. I only record a loss. If my weight has stayed the same or shows an increase, I wait it out and record it once it goes below my previous weight. My goal is to see that line graph moving in the downward position--even if it is "ever so slightly going downhill." I am good with that.

Today will be a good day and I have several pairs of jeans that fit. And that makes me happy. I always wondered what it would be like to wake up and not worry about how my clothes would fit each day. Now I know that it is incredible. Let's get on with the day!

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