Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I Don't Fear the Mornings Now

It used to be that mornings were a painful reminder of my weight. While lying in bed, I used to think about how tightly my clothes would fit me that day. I wondered if I had gained since yesterday (or how much), because gaining weight was just part of my life. I used to joke that "gaining weight was just something that I am good at." I dreaded seeing myself in the mirror and deciding which outfit I would wear to "cover myself up" (that's how I used to think about getting dressed).
How nice it is now not to live in fear of weight gain. Now that I have learned what type of fuel works best for me (see previous posts), I wake up no longer worrying about which pair of jeans will fit. I had even forgotten that I used to be stressed each and every day about that. And, the beautiful thing is, I know that if I stay within the new starch-based, low-oil, vegan plan, I can eat when I am hungry and I don't have to worry about tomorrow. My weight doesn't fluctuate more than 0-1.5 pounds from one day to the next.
I do weigh myself in the morning about 3 days a week or so. I record it on my phone using the "My Fitness Pal" app. I only record a loss. If my weight has stayed the same or shows an increase, I wait it out and record it once it goes below my previous weight. My goal is to see that line graph moving in the downward position--even if it is "ever so slightly going downhill." I am good with that.

Today will be a good day and I have several pairs of jeans that fit. And that makes me happy. I always wondered what it would be like to wake up and not worry about how my clothes would fit each day. Now I know that it is incredible. Let's get on with the day!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Can You Say Swollen?

     I am not sure why I seem to be the only one who referred to my former obese self as "swollen," but that is the condition that I know my body was in. Yes, to everyone (including myself) I looked fat, but I felt swollen. To me, swollen is the condition that we have in one or more parts of our body when we are experiencing inflammation of some sort. I felt swollen all over, but very specifically in my legs (which were enormous), my arms, chest, abdomen, back, neck and face. When having a full body massage, I always had to ask my massage therapist to go lightly on my legs because pressing on them was painful. When speaking to medical professionals about my weight, not one of them suggested that I may be experiencing some swelling. And no one mentioned to me that many foods in the typical American diet cause inflammation in the body. Not one mentioned a possible condition referred to as the "leaky gut" syndrome. So, because no one in my circles was aware of these things, I just kept swelling. I kept buying larger clothes. As the months passed, and my weight climbed, I became increasingly sad.
Being a researcher at heart, I took matters into my own hands. I began first by reading about breaking my addictions to sugar and other detrimental foods (Diet Rehab book, by Dr. Mike Dow). This book was a good start for me. Dr. Dow helped me to believe that I could get control over my eating. But, then I kept reading books and watching every documentary on weight loss and healthy diets that I could find on Amazon Prime and Netflix. I learned how meat, eggs and dairy create an acidic condition within the body (perhaps that is why I had spent the past few years taking Pepcid every day--none of my doctors seemed to think that was a problem, by the way) that could cause inflammation. These foods also create, in many people, the condition called "leaky gut." It is my informed opinion that most people with extra inches around their mid-section have this condition. So, I decided to remove those foods from my diet to see if that would help me to lose some weight and reduce more of my swelling.
     As a result, my midsection continues to get smaller. I have gone down several sizes in clothing. My legs no longer are painful to the touch. My need for a daily antacid (Pepcid) is gone since my chronic heartburn is gone. I continue to lose weight and feel better than I have in years. My swelling has basically disappeared. I still have weight to lose, but I am doing it effortlessly now. Compare my face in the following photo (taken in September 2013) with my face in the previous photo (taken in January 2013). Who can say I wasn't swollen?

     I have adopted a plant-based vegan diet (way of life) with a focus on starches. I have read just about every Dr. John McDougall book written. (Recommended reading: The Starch Solution book by Dr. John McDougall). Here is a video that helps you get to know Dr. McDougall's overall message: McDougall Message Video. I learned more about leaky gut from watching videos, many on YouTube, but this video was especially helpful: Leaky Gut Video . It is short, but jam-packed with information. I have watched it a couple times.
     I no longer view obese people the way I used to view myself, as personal failures. I look at them as people who have been misinformed by their doctors, friends, and so-called diet experts. If we can't trust our medical professionals and "diet experts" to have accurate information as to why we keep gaining weight, then why are we blaming people who really don't want to be fat? No one wants to weigh more than their healthy weight, do they? I now view overweight people as swollen, misinformed, and needing answers--just like me. I have lost more weight since the photo in this post, but this photo clearly shows my reduced swelling and a 35+ pound weight loss. (As of this week I have lost 42 lbs.)
     My question to any of you out there that are struggling with your weight is, do you ever feel swollen? Keep following my blog and I will teach you how to make this way of eating a streamlined process. You can do it too!
     Thanks for reading!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Lentil Lime Quinoa Salad

OK, so this one isn't "easy," but it is so good. This is what we had for lunch today, so I thought I would share it. Here is a photo:
You can click here for the recipe: Printable Lentil Lime Quinoa Salad
To create this recipe, I took a recipe from the Food Network and modified the dressing (from 1/4 cup down to 1 Tbsp). This salad is yummy and filling! Enjoy!

Vegan Chai Tea Recipe

I love making this Vegan Chai Tea each afternoon. I used to stop at a drive through for coffee or cappuccino. Now I make this tea and have come to look forward to it each day.
Simply make the tea in hot water and heat the almond (or soy) milk. [Choose "no sugar added" if trying to watch your calories.] Pour the milk into the tea and continue steeping until the desired tea strength is achieved. Enjoy! Printable Vegan Chai Tea Recipe

Welcome! My Journey to Health

Welcome to my blog, "Vegan Made Easy." I decided to make this blog because I want to share my vegan path with those who want to regain their health and appearance through healthy eating and want to know how it can be done. As of today, 11/23/2013, I have only been fully vegan for about 4 months. I have been on a full-blown, all out, quest for better health since 02/01/2013. I will explain that more in future blog posts.
For today I would like to share (with great sadness) a few "before" photos. Then I will show a few of my current photos. Keep in mind that I am still in the process of regaining my health and vitality. In other words, I am still a work in progress and have more weight to lose and health to gain.
So, here are a few "Before" photos. These photos were taken in January of 2013.
Although I was on a fabulous vacation in Punta Cana, DR, I was feeling very disappointed in myself and my body because of my weight. I felt miserable. Before taking this vacation, I had a long talk with my sister, Ruth. I explained that immediately upon returning from Punta Cana, I was going to do "whatever it takes to lose the weight." My plan was to give myself one year, not only to lose 40-50 pounds, but also to learn what it would take to be free of the bondage of "watching my weight, counting calories, fat grams, portion control, Weight Watchers points, carbs, exercising the calories away, etc." Well, it hasn't quite been a year, but I have done my research and I have found the solution. It is a plant-centered vegan approach to eating which has starch as a focal point of each meal. Dr. John McDougall's books, videos, and website have been the most helpful to me and my family. I have lost 42 pounds so far! Just know that I have NEVER been hungry since I started, and I refuse to live that way. I will teach you what I have learned. I can't wait to share more with you. Here are a few current photos so that you can gauge my progress:
I have lost about 5 more pounds since these pictures were taken. The weight is continuing to come off (albeit slowly) as I continue on this path. I have lost all of it through my eating plan, none as the result of exercise. I have slowly begun to add exercise into my life (I'm a work in progress, remember?). Follow me for ideas on losing weight, getting healthy, not being hungry or feeling deprived, and never looking back!
Please subscribe to my blog and watch for upcoming videos, Pinterest boards, tweets and more to follow very soon!

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